
Moving Through Fog by Anairë

Netlabel: 1485kHzkHz008
Released: 08 Jan 2020

Anairë is a project dedicated to ethereal soundscapes and dark murmurings. Inspirations for these sounds often include fantasy stories and remote locations, things which might be very far from our reach but at the same time haunt us through dreams and melancholies of everyday life.
Check out other releases by Anairë:

Note: this album is best listened to on high volume levels but may be very demanding on your speakers. Please proceed with caution.

This release is copyrighted. It is allowed however to be used in public broadcasts such as radio, videos such as on youtube and similar applications as long as: 1. full and proper credit is given, 2. work is not modified in any way other than cut for time, 3. author is notified of the usage, 4. author is contacted for permission before usage for commercial purposes takes place.

All music by Anairë. Cover is a painting by Caspar David Friedrich.

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