Le Colibri Nécrophile is a french non-profit netlabel active since 1999 or 1998 but surely not before 1997.
Our style is "horsnorme" mean the music can't be define by any styles.
Synonyms : Unclassable, Not normal, Abnormal, Unidentified, Unknown, Unreal...
The Necrophile Hummingbird is also involve in the free metacompilation Necktar 2017 http://www.necktar.info
Fresh News (label+ed end stuff)
Choice one release by one track (only available for the last albums involving ed end)
Choice one release by the artwork of the albums http://www.flickr.com/photos/freecoverscollection/
Choice one release by the video clips from the albums
Try Radio Free Albemuth o r s n o r m e http://www.horsnorme.org/Radio_Free_Albemuth/